The Broadbanders’ guide to Party Conference season 2013

The Broadbanders’ guide to Party Conference season 2013


Party logosWe’ve collated some links to fringe events that we think will interest those in broadband and related digital/tech/innovation policy areas attending party conference season this year.

Think we’ve missed anything? Drop me a line on



BCS Chartered Institute of IT: Cybercrime: Our biggest emerging threat?

Big Innovation Centre: Killing the zombies and raising the innovators

Centre for Cities: Why getting SME policy right is essential

Countryside Alliance: Searching for a mobile signal: When will it be delivered in the countryside?

Freedom Association & Big Brother Watch: Porn, Perverts and Predators: Who in their right mind opposes internet regulation?

Fujitsu: Creating the collaboration nation – how can large and small businesses work together to deliver the growth agenda for UK plc?

Internet Watch Foundation: The Global Fight Against Online Child Sexual Abuse Content

IPPR:  The Internet and innovation

Ipsos Mori: Big data for economic growth and better public services?

Nesta: Plan I – the case for innovation-led growth and A Manifesto for the Creative Economy

Policy Exchange: Designing a truly digital government and Internet Matters: Digital policy to accelerate the economy

Reform: Infrastructure investment and regional growth with Lord Adonis

ResPublica: Why Can’t We Grow Our Own: Competition policy in the tech sector

Science Council: Innovation Nation: the future of UK science

UKIE and UK Music: The economic value and growth potential of the creative industries

UKTV: Will 5G kill the TV star?