BSG event: Competition in our Converged World – Tuesday 24 November 2015 – 9.30am to 6pm

BSG event: Competition in our Converged World – Tuesday 24 November 2015 – 9.30am to 6pm

The BSG are delighted to invite you to our free conference “Competition in a converged world???, on 24 November.

The conference will explore the major competition issues surrounding the future of the UK telecoms market: What are the benefits and challenges of converging networks? Which competition models are viable and beneficial for the end-user? How to balance innovation and regulation?  How does bundling affect the consumer? Where and what can we deregulate?

In the last decade, the telecoms market has seen some significant changes through the deployment of infrastructure increasing coverage and capacity, of new technologies enabling faster connections and the proliferation of innovative services delivered to consumers, citizens and businesses. Competition, facilitated by regulatory and policy interventions, has generally delivered positive outcomes for users and has played a role in ensuring that digital infrastructure now underpins all areas of the economy.

Changes will need to be made in a world where the line between fixed and mobile is blurring, where super and ultra-fast services are proliferating, where quad play bundles are starting to gain traction among consumers and where questions are being asked about incentivising investment by allowing consolidation. The conference, sponsored by Frontier EconomicsShepherd and Wedderburn LLP and Oxera, will explore many of these questions about competition which are dominating the strategic reviews taking place at both the UK and EU level.

Key speakers who have confirmed their participation at the conference include Reinald Krueger (DG Connect, European Commission), Stephen Howard (HSBC), Andrew Wileman (Virgin Media), Karen Wray (Vodafone), Andrew Heaney (TalkTalk), Wenbing Yao (Huawei), Craig Tillotson (Communications Consumer Panel), Martin Duckworth (Frontier Economics), Sumit Sharma (Oxera), Gordon Moir (Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP) and many more.

Registration is free.

The event will take place at Etc Venues, 8 Eastcheap, London, EC3M 1AE on Tuesday 24 November 2015 from 9.30am and ends with a networking reception till 6pm. Lunch will be provided.

To register for this event, please email

The agenda is below and can be found here

9.30am – 10.00am Registration
10.00am – 10.15am Welcome – Richard Hooper and Matthew Evans, Broadband Stakeholder Group
10.15am – 10.40am Overview of the UK position, EU markets and industry trendsMartin Duckworth, Frontier Economics
10.40am – 11.10am The European Commission’s PerspectiveReinald Krueger, Head of Unit – Regulatory Coordination & Markets, European Commission, DG Connect
11.10am – 11.40am Coffee Networking Break
11.40am – 12.30pm   Panel 1 Session: Converging networks; the potential benefits and challengesChair: Richard Hooper, BSG Speaker 1: Simon Miller, ThreeSpeaker 2: Louise Lancaster, UK Broadband


12.30pm – 1.20pm Lunch  (Sponsored by Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP)
1.20pm – 1.50pm Securing investment for tomorrow’s digital infrastructureIn conversation with Stephen Howard, Head of Global Telecoms, Media and Technology Research, HSBC
 2.00pm – 3.10 pm  Panel 2 session:  Service or infrastructure level competition – or how do we get the best of both?Chair: Gordon Moir, Shepherd and Wedderburn LLPSpeaker 1: Andrew Wileman, Virgin MediaSpeaker 2: Mark Collins, CityFibre

Speaker 3: Karen Wray, Vodafone

Speaker 4: Andrew Heaney, TalkTalk

Speaker 5: Garry Miller, BT


3.10pm – 3.30pm Coffee Networking Break
3.30pm – 4.30pm  Panel 3 Session: Converging Content and ServicesChair: Sumit Sharma, OxeraSpeaker 1: Wenbing Yao, HuaweiSpeaker 2: Craig Tillotson, Communications Consumer Panel


4.30pm – 4.45pm Close –  Richard Hooper and Matthew Evans
4.45pm – 6.00pm Drinks reception (Sponsored by Oxera)

The event is sponsored by:

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