Open Internet Forum starts to draft new Code

Open Internet Forum starts to draft new Code

Following the publication in November 2015 of an independent review into the UK’s industry led approach to the Open Internet, the process to amend the Open Internet and Traffic Management Codes of Practice kick-started yesterday with a meeting of the Open Internet Forum (signatories of the Codes (ISPs), Government, Ofcom, content providers and other interested parties).

The review report produced by consultancy WIK, was commissioned by the BSG both as a form of good practice and to ensure that the UK’s approach continues to remain compliant under the new EU Connected Continent Regulation (the Open Internet access provisions of the Regulation will fully come into force from 30 April 2016).

The report found that the Codes could continue to add value over and above the requirements of the Regulation. On the basis of a compliance analysis, it also found that a number of amendments would need to be made to the current Codes to ensure full compliance. The review process will be undertaken in light of the recommendations contained in the WIK report and will focus on the following priorities:

1: Merging of the two Codes

2: Providing consistent guidance on how to interpret the Open Internet access provisions of the Regulation

3: Proactively addressing services other than Internet Access Services (e.g. managed services)

4: Reviewing KFIs with a view to meet latest consumer information best practices

5: Maintaining Ofcom’s position and the complaint process


Matthew Evans, CEO of the BSG, said “The WIK report has given us the analysis necessary to refresh the Codes – both to ensure they are compliant with the new EU Regulation and as a form of good practice. The Codes have been a success to date because both service providers and content providers have supported them. Maintaining that support is critical which is why both parties will be heavily involved in the drafting of the new Code???.

The Open Internet Forum will meet on a regular basis over the next few months to enact the recommendations contained in the report with a view to publish the revised Code of Practice by the end of April 2016. If you wish to take part in the review process, provide your input, or stay informed about the work of the BSG in this area, please contact