Ofcom – Changes to WiFi, EECC update, Guidance for Vulnerable Customers and Call for Evidence on Emerging Technologies
Ofcom is making airwaves in the lower 6 GHz band available for WiFi services without the need for a licence, following a consultation earlier this year. The technical requirements for WiFi routers are also being amended to ease congestion and help meet the growing demand for wireless services now and in the future.
A further consultation on revised proposals to implement the new EECC has been launched, ahead of the final decisions due to be published in the autumn. These are (i) changes to the scope of the rules on annual best tariff information and (ii) revised definitions for ‘microenterprise’, ‘small enterprise’ customers and not-for-profit organisations. Deadline is 11 September.
New best practice guidance for vulnerable customers has been issued to ensure continued support by providers, especially since COVID-19 has increased the potential for circumstances to suddenly change. Providers are already offering additional support to people who have struggled to pay bills and to help them to stay connected. The guide suggests practical measures that can be taken to help treat vulnerable customers fairly.
Finally, a call for input seeking views from industry, academia and beyond, on the emerging technologies that could change the shape of the communications industry in the coming years. Responses will feed into Ofcom’s technology discovery programme to better understand the technologies being researched and developed which could affect the sectors it regulates, including the content they carry and the devices on which they are consumed. Deadline is 3 September.