From Pipe Dream to Reality – BSG Seminar 9 July 07
Slides and Papers
For next generation broadband to move from pipe dream to reality, the BSG has argued that steps need to be taken now. Business models need to align the interests of operators with upstream content providers and end-users and a new regulatory framework will be required to strike the right balance between incentivising efficient investment and ensuring sustainable competition. Focusing on three of the recommendations set out in the BSG’s Pipe Dreams report, the seminar:
- debated and explored alternative commercial models to support network investment
- discussed the regulatory challenges posed by next generation access, and
- reviewed options for access to alternative shared infrastructure in the UK.
Each session was kicked-off by a series of presentations that provided independent perspectives on the commercial and regulatory challenges at different parts of the value chain. The floor was then opened up to debate and discussion. This event marked the launch of the BSG’s new work programme designed to create the right conditions in the UK to enable efficient investment in next generation broadband services and ensure their timely and ubiquitous availability for the benefit of UK citizens, businesses and public sector.
To view the presentations and papers that were produced for the seminar, click on the links below:
Presentation from Jonathan Dann, Bear Stearns
‘From Pipe Dreams to Reality’ – paper by Matt Yardley, Analysys
Presentation by Matt Yardley, Analysys
Presentation by Martin Geddes, STL
Presentation by Dave Tansley, Deloitte
Presentation by Clive Carter, Ofcom
Presentation by Brian Williamson, Indepen
Presentation by Richard Cadman, SPC
Presentation by Colin Long, Olswang