PSB: Beyond Television – Public Service Broadband and the new context for communications
Friday 14 January 2005 Lewis Media Centre, 21-24 Millbank, London SW1P 4RS 09:00 – 14:30
In association with Intellect, the BBC, DCF and PACT
The impending collision between the previously separate worlds of broadcast and broadband is getting closer. As this new world approaches what are the implications for what we have traditionally described as public service broadcasting?
- How should the concept of public service television adapt to the new opportunities opened up by new media platforms such as broadband and mobile?
- Is now the time to start considering a broader idea of public service broadband content? What would this mean?
- What role should the BBC and other PSBs play in opening up the broadband opportunity? What is the case to support investment in new media if it meets public value criteria
The purpose of this event was to explore the implications of broadband for public service broadcasting and also to look at the role that the BBC and other broadcasters can play in developing broadband content and driving the broadband value proposition.
- Session One: Introduction – Building the Broadband Opportunity
- Session Two: What is Public Service Broadband Content?
- Session Three: Implications for BBC Charter Renewal
- Session Four: Implication for the Ofcom PSB Review – Should the PSP be a Full Broadband Proposition?
Please contact us with any queries or for further information.